ISOVAC Products

CBAG™ CHRPs are flexible, 3-dimensional, and man-portable. They employ a superior CBR barrier system to provide unsurpassed protection against cross contamination from the remains to personnel, equipment, facilities, and transport assets. CBAG™ CHRPs can be used stand-alone for transport and for the temporary isolation, storage, and direct burial of remains. They may also be used for permanent burial of contaminated remains within conventional caskets.


Stand-alone transport of contaminated human remains and/or contaminated equipment and field gear via hand carry, within land vehicles, and onboard ships and aircraft.

• Temporary storage and isolation of contaminated human remains awaiting decontamination or interment.

• Temporary direct burial of contaminated human remains pending permanent interment.

• Permanent burial of contaminated human remains within a conventional casket.

• Temporary storage and isolation of contaminated animal remains awaiting disposition.

• Protection of uncontaminated equipment during transport through a contaminated zone.

CBAG™ Model 2005CB-PUR - U.S. Patent 9,290,305 B2. A U.S. patent is pending on CBAG™ Model 2K10CB-BIO.